Name of  Tender Date of Submitting the bid Last date of purchase Last date to participate   Final date for Inquiries Tender status  Note Attachments
Tender No. 01/2025: Tender for the Purchase of Equipment for the Development of the Chamber's Theater and the Live Streaming of Events Held in the Theater on Social Media Platforms.  17/02/2025  23/02/2025  27/02/2025 03/03/2025  Under the procedure

 Tender No. 9/2024: Supply of Internal Storage Unit for the Amman Chamber of Industry.
 15/12/2024  22/12/2024  29/12/2024 26/12/2024   Done Referral   Link1
Tender No. (8/2024):
Training Services / Capacity Building for Factories in the field of Design and Manufacturing of Molds, Products, and Components for Global Supply Chains and Assembly Industries.
 17/11/2024  01/12/2024  08/11/2024 05/12/2024  Done Referral   Link1
Tender No. 07/2024 Tender for training, consulting and incubation services in the field of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (I4.0)  13/10/2024  27/10/2024  03/11/2024  30/10/2024 Done Referral

Tender No. 6/2024: Health Insurance Tender for Amman Chamber of Industry Employees and Their Families for the Year 2024-2025
 15/09/2024  19/09/2024  26/09/2024 ــــــــــــــــــــــــ    Done Referral    Link
Re-Tender No.5/2024 "Industrial Waste Exchange Platform" Waste Symbiosis Platform 15/09/2024 19/09/2024 26/09/2024 ــــــــــــــــــــــــ  

Done Referral

 Tender No. 4/2024 for the sale of the Chamber's vehicles:
Land Cruiser model 2017, Hyundai H1 bus model 2008, and Lexus car model 2013
 28/08/2024  03/09/2024  05/09/2024 ــــــــــــــــــــــــ   Done Referral

Tender No. 3/2024 for Supplying a Server for the Electronic Services of the Chamber
 01/07/2024  04/07/2024  09/07/2024 07/07/2024  Done Referral
Tender No. 2/2024 for Soil Testing of the Industrial Chamber's Land on Airport Road
 01/07/2024  04/07/2024  08/07/2024  ــــــــــــــــــــــــ

Done Referral    Link1
 Tender No. 1/2024 for Training Services and Capacity Building for Factories in the Design and Manufacture of Molds, Products, and Components for Local and Global Supply Chains and Assembly Industries
 21/04/2024  30/04/2024  07/05/2024 ــــــــــــــــــــــــ  Done Referral
Tender No. 7/2023 Tender for the Supply and Installation of Carpets for the Small Meeting Hall at the Chamber.  26/12/2023  31/12/2023  02/01/2024  ــــــــــــــــــــــــ
Done Referral

Tender to provide operational sustainability consulting services for the operating unit 6/2023   20/11/2023
Done Referral    Link
Tender No. 5/2023
A tender to clean the ACI building
 19/11/2023  23/11/2023  30/11/2023  29/11/2023 Done Referral    Link
Tender No. 4/2023 to provide security and protection services (24 hours a day) to the ACI  19/11/2023  23/11/2023  30/11/2023  29/11/2023 Done Referral    Link
"Health Insurance Tender for Employees of the ACI    and their Families for the Year 2023 - 2024"
 17/09/2023  21/09/2023  28/09/2023  28/09/2023 Done Referral    Link
Renovation and Maintenance Tender for the Small Hall of the Amman  Chamber of Industry
 09/03/2023  16/03/2023  22/03/2023  19/03/2023 Done Referral
  Link 1

Link 2

Link 3
ACI network Upgrade 12/02/2023




Done Referral

Health insurance tender for Amman Chamber of Industry employees and their families for the year 2022-2023  04/09/2022
Done Referral   Link
Acquisition of technological equipment under the ENI CBC MED program
for the benefit of the Textile Technical Centre
10/01/2021 ــــــــــــــــــــــــ 26/01/2021 ــــــــــــــــــــــــ Done Referral
ــــ    Link


Amman Chamber Location

Zahran Street - Jabal Amman - Amman - Jordan
Phone Number: 0096264643001
Mobile: 00962795202164
Fax: +96264647852
Email: aci@aci.org.jo
P.O.Box.: 1800 Amman 11118 Jordan

All Branches