
Through this link (e-services link) members can provide services electronically in accordance with the following mechanism: 

1. Get a username and password 

2- Enter applications for electronic services and choose the payment method (i.e. efawteercom) when sending requests

3- Send a request for receipt of transactions with the identification of the receipt branch (via the website).

4- Transactions are checked by the room staff and approved and issued a reference number to you via email associated with the user's name and then paid through any of your invoices

5. Our e-payment number (reference number) is sent via our e-mail (pre-installed), which is filled out within the user name request.

6. In case of any email problem, you can obtain the reference number from the electronic transactions website by searching the historical file of the required service on the electronic payment number (reference number) through any of your invoices.

7- The Chamber prints the invoices attached to the requests for entry for the required transactions or prints the documents associated with the signature certification, certification and preparation service for receipt.

Important general observations:

1- Check when archiving export invoices to be a very clear and unsealed image of the company's ring and not colored and to be signed by the authorized to sign it before the process of archiving them (to ensure that they are original after they are original from the room and stamped with the company seal).
2- After the certificate of origin is issued from the chamber, please seal the invoices and re-sign them directly from the company commissioner.
3. If you would like to authenticate the signature, please download the documents that the company wishes to authenticate in color and be of high quality.


Amman Chamber Location

Zahran Street - Jabal Amman - Amman - Jordan
Phone Number: 0096264643001
Mobile: 00962795202164
Fax: +96264647852
Email: aci@aci.org.jo
P.O.Box.: 1800 Amman 11118 Jordan

All Branches