Invitation by Amman Chamber of Industry to The Workshop “Launching a Proposed National Framework of Sustainable Investments”



Amman Chamber of Industry is glad to announce organizing a Workshop Titled “Launching a Proposed National Framework of Sustainable Investments”
within the ENI CBC MED European Project “Cluster4Green” on Monday September 25, 2023 at the Movinbeck Hotel Amman.

The workshop will discuss the main objectives and contents of the proposed national framework of sustainable investments, also measures
and criteria of a proposed impact rating tools, current national incentives to encourage sustainable investments in addition to new proposed

Registration Link : Here

Read more : Here


Amman Chamber Location

Zahran Street - Jabal Amman - Amman - Jordan
Phone Number: 0096264643001
Mobile: 00962795202164
Fax: +96264647852
P.O.Box.: 1800 Amman 11118 Jordan

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