The value of returned checks exceeds 1.4 billion dinars in eleven months


Alrai - The total value of returned checks in the period from January of last year until the end of last November to more than 1.4 billion dinars.

In detail, the Central Bank data showed that the value of returned checks achieved in January of last year the largest amount of the total value of returned checks in the period from January of that year to the end of November of the same year, where in that month it reached 148.7 million dinars In March, it went down to 135.7 million dinars, while in March it rose to 139.1 million dinars, while Nissan witnessed 139.7 million dinars, while it fell in May to 122.6 million dinars, to rise in June to 135.2 million dinars, while it was recorded in July135. ? Million dinars, to see August drop to 101.1 million dinars, to rise in September to 138.6 million dinars, while in October it recorded 120.9 million dinars, for November to witness the lowest amount of checks returned during the period from January last year until the end of November of that Year, as the amount of checks returned in that month reached 95.5 million dinars.


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