Poll: Unemployment and economic situation are the most important issues


Alrai - An opinion poll conducted by the Center for Strategic Studies - University of Jordan showed that half of Jordanians are satisfied with the level of roads in their place of residence, while unemployment in particular and the economic situation in general, remain the most pressing issues facing Jordan. 15 percent of respondents.

The Center announced yesterday morning the results of the poll conducted by the Department of Opinion Polls and Field Surveys, during the period between 14 and 16 of this month, on a representative sample of Jordanian society and from all governorates, in a series of polls «Pulse of the Jordanian street 3».

The survey addressed the most pressing issues facing Jordan and Jordan at the time of implementation of the survey, and the region and the international community, in addition to the topic of public services: education; roads; transportation; water; Its competence. According to the survey, unemployment remains the most important domestic issue, accounting for 26 percent of the total number of issues classified by citizens as the most urgent and important issues facing Jordan today, as it was in the previous survey.

After unemployment comes second among citizens' concerns in local issues; the economic situation in general is 20 percent, followed by poverty (15 percent), high prices and high cost of living (12 percent), corruption, mediation and nepotism (9 percent).

At the regional level, crises and wars facing the region topped the scene of the most important and urgent regional issues by 27 percent, followed by the difficult economic conditions experienced by the region (16 percent), and then the issue of Jerusalem and the Palestinian cause and the deal of the century (15 percent), the problem of security and safety in the region (9 percent). On the international level, the problems of war, conflict and instability, the issue of Jerusalem, the Palestinian cause and the deal of the century came in the same rank (19%), and then the problem of difficult economic conditions (15%). Interestingly, about one-third of respondents (30 percent) said they did not know the most important issues facing the international community.

Service related issues in Jordan

In the third week of the Jordan Indicator Survey, this week's street pulse survey was devoted to service-related issues, and included services: transportation (public transport); roads; public education in schools; private education in schools; water services; and sanitation.

On average, 53 percent of respondents said they were satisfied with public transport services in their area of residence. Satisfaction with transport services varied across the Kingdom's regions, with the highest level of satisfaction in the northern region (57 percent) and lowest in the southern region. (44%), while (46%) of the citizens said they are satisfied with the level of roads in their area of residence, above in the central region (47%) and below in the southern region (40%).

With regard to the level of satisfaction with the level of public education in schools in the respondent's housing area, 57% of respondents reported that they are satisfied with the level of public education in schools. Southern Province (52 percent). In contrast, the level of satisfaction with the level of special education in schools reached (66 percent), and it is noteworthy that there are no significant differences in the opinion of respondents about the satisfaction with the level of special education in schools between the three regions of the Kingdom: 66%, Southern Province 63%).

When the respondents were asked about the level of satisfaction with water services in their area of residence, the results showed that (70 percent) of the citizens are satisfied with the level of water services. Water services in the central region (70 percent), then the southern region (61 percent), and finally the northern region (56 percent).

Almost two thirds of respondents (66 percent) were satisfied with the level of sanitation services in their area of residence, and the results did not show differences between satisfaction levels by region of respondent: the level of satisfaction was in the central region (65 percent) and in the northern region (66 percent). And in the South (63 percent).

Amman Municipality Services

The survey addressed some of the services of the Greater Amman Municipality and its developmental and cultural role. The sample of the study included individuals residing in the Greater Amman Municipality areas only. Respondents were asked about a range of services provided by the Municipality: waste collection, cleaning of main and secondary streets, and street lighting. , Public transport services, sanitation services, building permits, parks and entertainment venues, as well as respondents' questions about the express bus, and the developmental and cultural role of the Municipality of Amman.

The street lighting service in the residential areas of the respondents topped the list of most satisfied services provided by the Greater Amman Municipality (73 percent), while slightly more than two thirds of respondents (68 percent) were satisfied with the waste collection service carried out by the secretariat in their areas of residence. 69 percent of respondents were satisfied with the cleanliness of the main streets, but 58 percent of the respondents were satisfied with the cleanliness of the secondary streets. Satisfaction with public transport services was 62 percent, while 65 percent of respondents were satisfied with sanitation services, and 56 percent were satisfied with building and fees licensing services. Percent) only satisfied them.

With regard to the rapid bus and the transportation crisis, the vast majority of respondents (full sample) know about it (91 percent), but only half (51 percent) believe it will contribute to solving part of the transportation crisis in Oman.

When asked whether there is a developmental and cultural role for the Municipality, 48% of respondents in the areas of Greater Amman Municipality said that there is a developmental and cultural role for the Municipality, compared to 29% who said that there is no developmental and cultural role, while 23% said they do not know.

Eighteen percent of the respondents believe that the main role that GAM should play at present is to raise the level of services provided to citizens, followed by improving and organizing the streets, solving the transportation crisis and improving the services provided in this area (17 percent each). Entertainment other than the existing ones.


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