Jaghbair to Jordan 24: Canceling The Item of Fuel Price Difference Priority and The Cost of Transport from Amman to Aqaba higher than with other Countries


Jaghbair to Jordan 24: Cancelling the item of fuel price difference priority and the cost of transport from Amman to Aqaba higher than with other countries
Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Al-Jaghbair told Jordan 24 that the rise in energy prices raises operational costs on the national industries. This leaves Jordanian industries competitive with competing industries in the region which support exports and lower energy prices. 

He added that the high cost of transportation also contributes to increasing operating costs on suppliers, pointing out that the cost of transportation from Amman to Aqaba or other regions in the Kingdom is higher than among countries. 

He called on the government to impose taxes on imports from countries that support industry and export in their countries, and cancel the item of fuel price difference..... 

To read the full article, please click the "Read on the official website" button below

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