Industry Contributes 10% of Workforce


The head of the Amman Chamber of Industry, Fathi al-Jaghbir, said Sunday that the industrial sector contributes only 10% of the workforce in the market, adding that the industrial sector is going through difficult economic conditions.

"It is possible that the sector will ask for certain jobs and do not find a Jordanian to work," he said during a Sunday economic program on the Saudi channel.

The Jordanian labor sector favors expatriate workers because of the low cost of Jordanian workers, their language and culture, according to Al-Ghaibir, who said that the proportion of non-Jordanian employees in the private sector does not exceed 9%.

Minister of Industry and Trade Tariq Hammouri said that Jordanians are more receptive to these jobs, adding that there are programs to train and qualify Jordanians to work.

The private sector was the driver of the economy, he said, adding that the role of the assisting nation in its capacity to create a conducive environment for the growth of the private sector, leading to greater jobs and exports.

He praised the role of the private sector in the case of job seekers, and securing jobs, adding that the government relies heavily on the private sector.

On the government's measures to create an environment conducive to the private sector, Hammouri said the measures are to create a safe environment for the investor, considering that the environment in Jordan "more than safe."

In addition to creating stability in the legislation and communication and consultation with the private sector around them, adding those legislative measures, the government started in an institutionalized and systematic, but that "that does not mean that the sector to enact legislation."

The government measures extend to facilitate and stimulate the business environment, according to Hamouri, who said that more than 43% of the Ministry of Industry transactions are completed electronically in the presence of 320 thousand annual treatment in the ministry.

Hamouri said that the government is trying to reduce the cost of production on the private sector by reducing the cost of production, and said that the compatibility with the industrial sector to provide 100 megawatts for small and large projects free of charge, and reduced fuel prices.


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