Invitation by Amman Chamber of Industry to The Workshop “Results of ECO Business Models  and Plans Development



Amman Chamber of Industry is glad to announce organizing a workshop Titled “ Cases of ECO Business Models and Plans Development  ”
within the ENI CBC MED European Project “Cluster4Green” on  Wednesday  1/11/20 23 at  ACI Main Headquarters  Building  .

The workshop will  present  (5) cases delivered by Jordanian SMEs who developed ECO business models based on sustainability and green economy measures,
where such cases are the outcomes and results of  the training and technical support  the SMEs  received this year  through the Clsuet4 Green Project.

Furthermore, the workshop will  evaluate the impact of using the EMBRACE tools in development of ECO business models and plans.  

Registration Link: Click here 

Read more: Click here


Amman Chamber Location

Zahran Street - Jabal Amman - Amman - Jordan
Phone Number: 0096264643001
Mobile: 00962795202164
Fax: +96264647852
P.O.Box.: 1800 Amman 11118 Jordan

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