Invitation to participate in the directory of Jordanian exporters


The Jordanian Chamber of Industry will issue a guide to Jordanian exporters in 2019, which will be produced by the Amman Chamber of Industry in collaboration with the World Precision Graphics Foundation in both Arabic and English, in the context of the performance of the Amman Chamber of Industry for its mission of enhancing the competitiveness of the Jordanian industrial sector and promoting national products.
We would like to inform you that this manual will be printed in an attractive manner, in a manner that is easy for the consumer and the trader locally, and imported abroad, as soon as possible, to the desired product and the companies producing this item. The Chamber will also be accompanied by the paper version of the manual, And will be distributed in all events, conferences and exhibitions in which the Chamber will participate both inside Jordan and abroad. Copies will also be distributed to the Jordanian embassies abroad as well as to the Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Arab countries.
Therefore, please send the advertisements to their companies in this manual in Arabic and English versions or one of them, fill in the enclosed form and return it to fax (06 569 5721), and through e-mail:, note that the cost of advertising page (250) dinars and in both versions will be (450) dinars, and half a page of one color in each of the two versions (125) dinars, and a quarter page color (75) dinars, and for more information please contact Mr. Mohammed Salahat on the phone (464,3001, sub-152), looking to adhere to the size of the advertisement per page (21 cm for the display x 22 cm for the height), and that N the information contained in the Declaration English version in English, noting that Mr. Yousef Zuhdi / World Foundation precision graphic design Mobile number (0775542955) will follow up the designs and the collection of advertising fees.
Thank you for your attention.
And Yours sincerely,,

Classification: Invitation


Amman Chamber Location

Zahran Street - Jabal Amman - Amman - Jordan
Phone Number: 0096264643001
Mobile: 00962795202164
Fax: +96264647852
P.O.Box.: 1800 Amman 11118 Jordan

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