Amman Chamber of Industry announces the organization of an
important program entitled:
"Industrial University Projects Program"
Which provides a valuable
opportunity for factories to meet their specialized needs free of charge in
the following engineering, scientific and administrative fields through the
mechanism of the program linking factories and universities to implement
graduation projects and master's thesis based on the needs required and
determined by the factories:
Bachelor's Degree (Graduation Projects)
All engineering specialties
All disciplines of Science / Physics, Kima, Biology
Information Technology
Master's Degree (Master's Thesis)
All engineering, scientific, business management, marketing and
This program is part of the Chamber's efforts to encourage cooperation
between the industrial sector and the universities in order to contribute to
the development of competitive, productive and export capabilities in various
administrative, scientific and technical fields, as well as the development
of industrial creativity and innovation.
If you wish to have a project with your factory, please fill in the
attached application form and send it to the Amman Chamber of Industry - Fax
4647852 or e-mail m.abusailik@aci.org.jo. What we want from interested
universities to implement the project with you, and provide them with contact
information of the person responsible according to the application form
submitted by you
For further information and
to inquire about the areas in which graduate projects can be implemented, you
can contact Mr. Mohammed Abu Saailek, Department of Industrial Development /
Tel. 4643001, 173, 174.
And Yours sincerely ,,,
Classification: Invitation