Exhibition and the Fourth International Conference on Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Heat Insulation and Energy


We would like to inform you that the 4th International Conference on Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Heat Insulation and Energy will be held on 11-13 / 2014/09 in Cairo / Egypt, organized by Cairo Expo.
For more information, please visit www.hvacregypt.com. The organizers will provide a three-day or two-night stay for those wishing to visit the exhibition.
For more information and knowledge.
And Yours sincerely,,

Classification: Invitation


Amman Chamber Location

Zahran Street - Jabal Amman - Amman - Jordan
Phone Number: 0096264643001
Mobile: 00962795202164
Fax: +96264647852
Email: aci@aci.org.jo
P.O.Box.: 1800 Amman 11118 Jordan

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